Writing the third book in a trilogy is like riding a psychotic horse toward a burning stable.
Thanks, Robin Williams in The Birdcage. Also, thank you to Hank Azaria in the same movie, for his Guatemalan-ness.
So yes, I've never written a trilogy before. Anna was a duo. Everything else I've ever done was short story or stand alone. I had heard from author authors that the third book of a trilogy, especially if you're a pantser, ie do not plot or know where things end up like a sane person might, was a real bitch. Turns out they weren't lying.
If you've never ridden a psychotic horse I can tell you, it's fricken scary. You could die at any moment. Things go through your mind like, "If I can ditch these stirrups I'll be clear to bail!" or, "Steer him into the river! We'll float!" And then you realize your feet are stuck through the stirrups and the damn thing has the bit in his teeth and will not be steered. So on you cling. Or you die, which I've already mentioned was a possibility.
With trilogies, by the time you get to Book 3, lots of stuff has been set into motion. Threads waving in the breeze. Arcs over here and arcs over there and arcs for this person that need to sync with arcs for that person and I am going to kill all the arcs, is what I'm saying. And I don't even have that many characters. Writing ANTIGODDESS 3 has given me a larger cache of awe for George RR Martin, who I think should be given many backrubs and chamomile tea.
But, thanks to the magic that is story, these things tend to work themselves out, if we just relax and don't drive ourselves into therapy first (or so I continue to tell myself.) Anybody out there with trilogy tips, hey, don't hold back, because as usual, I am no use, advice wise.

You quote the birdcage? Be still my cold bitter heart.
Beeeeej, of course I quote The Birdcage! For it is a masterpiece.