This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.
I can’t get Fight Club out of my head. Because every time I walk past a poster of that Angelina Jolie/Johnny Depp travesty, The Tourist, all I can hear is Edward Norton yelling at Helena Bonham Carter. "I know what you are you tourist, you fucking tourist…" Something like that. Anyway…
Everyone should go see The Fighter and Black Swan. I pulled a double feature yesterday and holy crap. Fantastic films. For completely different reasons. The Fighter is full of so much damn inspiration, and so much FAMILY, and each character is a horrible a-hole in their own special way, and yet you can somehow like them in spite of it. Maybe a little bit because of it. Christian Bale should win awards. He’s fricken transformative, and draws you into the pattern of crack addiction like he is your very own…crack addict. Sure, I might be biased because of American Psycho, but after a performance like this, I don’t think the talent can be denied.
Black Swan, on the other hand, is obsessive and gorgeous, all pursuit of perfection and devotion to your art. It is crazy, sick, awesome and transcendent. I didn’t even care that the theater was packed and I had to sit in the front row and crane my neck. Natalie Portman should win, too.
These are maybe the first new films of the year that I’ve been compelled to recommend. In book news, January is a big YA month. Lots of interesting stuff, including Maurissa Guibord’s Warped, which I foolishly pre-ordered with something that doesn’t come out until February, so now I have to wait another month. I’m such a dope.
So many people got Kindles for Christmas. I’m still trying to decide between Kindle and Nook. Anybody have a Nook and love it?

Congrats on getting book two done! My recently-completed novel went through about seven drafts. But that’s because it started life as an adult urban fantasy and only changed to young adult five drafts in when I realised it wasn’t working as an adult read. I also cut out some characters completely and changed the mythology. The novel’s much better for all the changes I’ve made but I’m going to try to stick to a couple of drafts in the future!