Posts Tagged ‘kristen simmons’

Unless I am wrong, I am never wrong.

That line is from The Princess Bride, spoken by Prince Humperdink. Every time I watch that movie, I find a new line to love. Or a new bit of performance to treasure. Or just a new view of Carey Elwes. Whatever.

So, I returned from Comic Con, and it was fun, panel was great, signing was great, and it was a spectacle, and though I have pictures, I'm only going to post this one, because, Bronies.


If you are a true Brony, a guy who likes My Little Pony because My Little Pony is awesome, I salute you, and you are awesome, and call me anytime. However, if you are a Brony, in that you are a guy who wants to bone ponies, kindly back the hell out of my blog, please and thank you. Sadly, I don't think things like this "Equestria Girls" are helping. They look a whole lot like the offspring of a My Little Pony and one of those boner Bronies I was just talking about.

Anyway, Dylan's in Mongolia, where I hope he's enjoying some fine Yak milk, and I'm here trying to write while at the same time having to pluck Tyrion Cattister off of a screaming Tybalt every five minutes. War is Hell. Kittens are Hell. Kittens are War.

I've updated the Sticky Post with Antigoddess tour dates. I really hope to see some of you on the road. I.e., dear god, please come hang out with me.

Shortly before Antigoddess comes out (on September 10th! I hope you'll give it a whirl!) there will be a trailer. From what I understand it's going to be a cool trailer, live action, they spent days shooting in the desert and I liked the script when I read it. I'm excited, I love book trailers. Remember the one for The Diviners? That was bitchin.

Oh, on the subject of bitchin, there were two excellent covers revealed recently by my Tor sisters Mindee Arnett and Kristen Simmons that you should see:

Nightmare DilemmaThree
How excellent are these? I haven't read either, mind you, (a fact about which I am bitter) but I loved the Nightmare Affair, and both Article 5 and Breaking Point. Mindee showed me an earlier version of the Dilemma cover and it was a cool green. But I love the blue, and it will look mighty fine on the shelf. Maybe they'll save the green for #3.

That's about it for now. I'll be in a writing cave for the next few weeks, working on something new and still too young to be talked about (but it's not another Cas book, believe me if it was another Cas book I would spill those beans.)

Ring a Ding Ding. 2013. ARTICLE 5 GIVEAWAY!!!

2013 has arrived. Much to the chagrin of anyone who spent their life savings building an ark. Or perhaps not. Now they'll always be prepared, after all.

Happy 2013. Hope runs hot, here at the start. Hope that it will be a better year, however you choose to perceive "better". I'm wishing us a lot of luck. In case the hope runs out…around March.

I don't do New Year's Resolutions, because I suck at them and have no resolve, and it's very depressing to fail at your New Year's resolution on New Year's Day. I try to adhere to to-do lists instead. To do in 2013: Write ANTIGODDESS #3. Edit ANTIGODDESS #2. Promote ANTIGODDESS #1. Write (or at least start writing) the book that will try to follow the Antigoddess trilogy. Go on vacation. Study French. Learn to play a musical instrument. Climb Mount Ipanema.

Kidding about the last two. And I reserve the right to have been kidding about the rest.

But now, I've got a very nice New Year's present for some lucky reader who lives in the US. A SIGNED HARDCOVER ARTICLE 5! By Kristen Simmons!! Did I mention it's signed? And it's ARTICLE 5?!

ARTICLE 5 comes out in paperback on the 8th, and the sequel, BREAKING POINT, is releasing February 12th. So here's your chance to get ready for it if you haven't read ARTICLE 5 yet. And why have you not done that? Hmm?

Anyway, to enter, all you have to do is live in the US,and comment. Or Tweet me an entry at @KendareBlake. I'll throw in a copy of Girl of Nightmares also. You can choose a signed hardcover or an audiobook. This giveaway is a short timer; it ends next Tuesday, the same day ARTICLE 5 is out in paperback!

In non-writing related news, I watched the last third of the movie, SOMETHING BORROWED, and for the life of me, I can't figure it out. It seemed like just a shitty movie about shitty people being shitty. If you've seen it, and found another message deep inside, I'd love to hear it.