Okay, so I promised to get the open ARC giveaway up and running, and then I promptly effed off to the LA Times Festival of Books and the International Reading Association conference. Which was fun, by the way. Here's a photo of Kristen Simmons (ARTICLE 5!!!), me, and Annette and Gina Cascone (DEADTIME STORIES).

I apologize for the delay. Chalk it up to me being a lazy d-bag. But here it is. The open ARC giveaway for GIRL OF NIGHTMARES. This giveaway is open to anyone and everyone, including international readers. But it isn't simple. Because I want to have a bit of fun with this. So here are the rules:
You can just comment to enter. That's one point. If you tweet or facebook the contest, that's another point each. (FYI, tally up these points people, and put it in your entry. I ain't good at the maths.)
However, for those of you who want extra entries, do something fun. This can be in your comment: Tell me a joke. A limerick. Give me a music recommendation (because I desperately need them.) Give me a book rec (even though my TBR pile is massive). Tell me something random, about yourself, or about anything. I love random crap. Tell me who you'd cast in the movie. ANY OF THESE WOULD BE WORTH 5 POINTS. But I'm not counting more than two. You can combine them with the tweeting, etc. Again, add up these points.
I may regret this system when I have to count this up.
Finally, for those of you who want SUPER MEGA entries, this is your creative chance to shine.
1. A photo of yourself, doing something ANNA related. Or of something ANNA related. Perhaps acting out scene from the book. Or do a doodle and take a picture of it. I like drawings of penguins. Or perhaps something like this:

This is a dress that a reader (hi Emma!) did for an Anna Halloween costume. Excellent.
Any photos can be sent to me at kendareblake@yahoo.com, please include permission to possibly post them on the blog. Photos will be worth 10 POINTS. Unless I can tell you really went crazy making something, then 20 POINTS.
2. Fan Art. I love fan art, it is in-fricken-credible. You guys are crazy talented, and I adore seeing it. This can also be sent to kendareblake@yahoo.com and will be worth 15 POINTS. Please include permission to possibly show them off on the blog.
3. Video of some sort. A dramatic reading. A re-enactment. A fan trailer you made in the past or now. An explanation of why cheesemaking is a lost art, and how Anna would have made a great cheesemaker if she'd been allowed to live. There aren't really any rules, except that it had to be made with Anna in mind or at least with the contest in mind. Any video, please don't send it directly to me, but send me a link where it's hosted. You can do this in the comments below, or via email. Any video is worth 25 POINTS.
Really, any entry related even slightly to the book, or to the love of reading, that your creative gourds can think of will be relished. Months ago on Twitter there were two reviewers who said they'd dress as minstrels and sing an Anna review for an ARC of Girl of Nightmares (which is where the idea for this contest came from.). Be as creative as you like. Though I will only accept one comment-type entry from everyone, I'll accept multiples of 1-3. Because if you took the time to be insanely creative, random and/or hilarious, that is the least I can do.
Obviously, anyone so inclined could really increase their odds in the random draw, but it's still a random draw. Anyone can win. So if you don't feel like doing mega entries, don't! I imagine most people won't!
Um, disclaimer to cover my butt…if anyone does get creative, don't break any laws more serious than jaywalking. Okay? And to clarify, ALL OTHER LAWS ARE MORE SERIOUS THAN JAYWALKING.
One last photo:

To prove I still have 3 to give, and am not just yanking your butts.
This contest is running through the end of the month. So, the end of May.