Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
From now on I’m going to title these things with random lines from movies. Because I like to. Down to business then, people continue to read, Winter, over at scribd, so perhaps it will make it into the yearly anthology after all. I can only hope that they are also voting for it over at the Dailey Swan website. If you have the urge, please do so. Winter is a very early story of mine, the first iteration of which was actually composed in high school. Yikes. Of course it’s been completely re-worked since then, so have no fear. Here’s the link to Dailey Swan:
I think you vote there by email.
In other news, I am waiting on the editorial revision letter for Anna Dressed in Blood. No idea what to expect. Work also continues, slowly on Secret Project S. With more than luck, I’ll finish it before I have to start Anna’s sequel, The Girl From Hell, this fall. I just realized that one of the main characters is bisexual. Or maybe a total flamer. He hasn’t told me for sure yet. But I knew the moment he turned up his nose at a Bud Light and demanded a Rolling Rock. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I recently finished Joe Hill’s Horns. I think it was excellent. I’ll refrain from saying more, because Puppy J. is reading it now and wants it to be his next book review. I think it’ll mostly be a page and a half of "me so horny" jokes, but we’ll see. I also saw Iron Man 2, very stupidly, on opening night. Puppy’s mother, my brother Ryan, Dylan and I missed the first showing which sold out, and had to wait in a moderately long line for the late show. However, it was highly entertaining. And I only almost punched out the guy behind me for kicking my seat, like twice. We all agree that Mickey Rourke should only ever play drunken, disgruntled Russians. That’s really all his face can do anymore.
Dylan and I are re-reading Stephen King’s IT. What a great book, although, having to read it aloud this time, I have to say, get a fricken editor man! Stop droning on and on about Stan’s wife’s tampon babies. No one wants to know.
Just twenty days before I relocate across the country. Washington State here I come. Anybody know of any good book festivals in the Seattle area?