Ring a Ding Ding. 2013. ARTICLE 5 GIVEAWAY!!!
2013 has arrived. Much to the chagrin of anyone who spent their life savings building an ark. Or perhaps not. Now they'll always be prepared, after all.
Happy 2013. Hope runs hot, here at the start. Hope that it will be a better year, however you choose to perceive "better". I'm wishing us a lot of luck. In case the hope runs out…around March.
I don't do New Year's Resolutions, because I suck at them and have no resolve, and it's very depressing to fail at your New Year's resolution on New Year's Day. I try to adhere to to-do lists instead. To do in 2013: Write ANTIGODDESS #3. Edit ANTIGODDESS #2. Promote ANTIGODDESS #1. Write (or at least start writing) the book that will try to follow the Antigoddess trilogy. Go on vacation. Study French. Learn to play a musical instrument. Climb Mount Ipanema.
Kidding about the last two. And I reserve the right to have been kidding about the rest.
But now, I've got a very nice New Year's present for some lucky reader who lives in the US. A SIGNED HARDCOVER ARTICLE 5! By Kristen Simmons!! Did I mention it's signed? And it's ARTICLE 5?!
ARTICLE 5 comes out in paperback on the 8th, and the sequel, BREAKING POINT, is releasing February 12th. So here's your chance to get ready for it if you haven't read ARTICLE 5 yet. And why have you not done that? Hmm?
Anyway, to enter, all you have to do is live in the US,and comment. Or Tweet me an entry at @KendareBlake. I'll throw in a copy of Girl of Nightmares also. You can choose a signed hardcover or an audiobook. This giveaway is a short timer; it ends next Tuesday, the same day ARTICLE 5 is out in paperback!

This is me commenting for the book contest and to say that Something Borrowed was HORRIBLE. I tried to figure it out, but I’m with you, no deep message at all.
Book Giveaway!
My TBR pile is huge and my family says I have a book buying problem. I decided I would try not to purchase any books in the first half of 2013 and read exclusively from my stock. However, I believe a loophole to this promise would be winning new books . . . . . Thanks for the giveaway!
Contest entry
I would love love to win both of these!! I have been twitter stalking Kristen Simmons for ages and to have a signed copy of Article 5 would make my day…
I loved Girl of Nightmares – the covers are incredibly done!
happy new year!
Such an AWESOME giveaway. I loved Article 5 and have been dying to read Girl of Nightmares! Thank you so much!
Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I just got Girl of Nightmares for Christmas, but a signed copy would be awesome!
I watched Something Borrowed on HBO. Needless to say, I was disappointed π
What a great giveaway! I love both of these. BUT only own them in Kindle format. Would love to add them to my “stack of signed” I have that is growing like a wildfire.
On a different note: I despise New Years Resolutions! I hate starting off a new year with a lie..therefore, I don’t make any. Also… Something Borrowed IS a horrible message. “Go ahead…cheat. Who cares if the guy is hot & he is supposed to be marrying your BFF.” – The only reason I watched it? I hate Kate Hudson (cause I’m afraid she is going to Yoko my favorite band) and KNEW she was going to get screwed over in this movie. Ahh…it’s the little things.
Mucho Luck in the NY. – Misty
Comment? I don’t know :3
Here’s my comment! Obviously.. Anyway, I love your books! They’re just so good (though Girl of Nightmares isn’t one I’d recommend reading before bed xD). I can’t wait to read your next book! You’re one of my favorite authors! <3
This is a comment! π
Love your resolutionsβI don’t do them, either. Good luck on your to-do list! I’m hoping I can finish writing the first book in an upcoming series and market my current book. Lots to do! π
I totally agree with what you said about new year’s resolution, I don’t resolve them either. LOL. And thanks for making this giveaway! Because I’ve been wanting to read Article 5 and Girl of Nightmares! I heard so many good reviews about them! I just can’t help but be excited! Thanks again!
Article 5 is one book I did not get the chance to read last year but it’s definitely still on my list!
A to-do list sounds way better, I feel like just taking this year month by month if not week by week, seems much more manageable and enjoyable that way π
Same here, I don’t bother with New Year’s Resolutions- they’re kinda useless, in my opinion. :/ And I also saw Something Borrowed- and I was like, “Okaaay…” There’s a reason I don’t watch chicklit, and stick with action movies. π
Giveaway Entry and SOMETHING BORROWED Comment
I read Something Borrowed. The storyline was just plain sad. I kept reading because I couldn’t believe how self-centered everyone was acting and I wanted someone to redeem themselves. Never happened. The story pretty much made me sick.
Happy New Year! And what a great giveaway to begin the year π
Article 5
I’ve been wanting to read this one for awhile!
Such a great giveaway!
I don’t do resolutions either. I resolve every year to not do any resolutions and fail immediately every time. Hm… maybe I should say after this resolution… no more. Then I might win. Anyway…
Now I’m curious about Something Borrowed, but I doubt I’d get through the whole movie if it was like that. π
would love
I haven’t read article 5 but would love to. Loved girl of nightmares.
AHHHH!!!! Giveaway for ARTICLE 5!!!
First – ANITGODDESS sounds brilliant!!! Good luck with editing π
I have read it – and it’s one of my favorite dystopian novels. BREAKING POINT is coming out soon!!! π
And that’s so nice of you to give away two books! But I already have a copy of GIRL OF NIGHTMARES (just letting you know)
Off to tweet to you!@Alyssa_Susanna
Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!!
Article 5
I loved Girl of Nightmares and can’t wait to read Article 5 and Antigoddess!
I went to Goodreads to check out the synopsis and Article 5 sounds really interesting! Thank you for the chance to win!
Would love a chance to win and read these! Thanks for the opportunity! Hope your 2013 is great!
Thank you for the chance to win! I loved both of these! And I’m so looking forward to Anti-Goddess!
Stay cool.
Well now…I do declare this is the oddest comment form I’ve seen.
I would love to have both of these books! Thank you for the giveaway and I hope you had a Happy New Year
Dawn Dow
Article 5
It’s on my GoodReads ‘to-read’ list so I’d be remiss if I didn’t enter!
Article 5
Been looking at that book for awhile. Love to win my own copy!
Resolutions do stink. They are inherently meant to fail.
Comment for the giveaway
I haven’t read these yet, but I’ve heard they’re great. I have the same problem as a previous commenter – too many books, everywhere. So I can’t buy any until I figure out what to do with all of them or make some more bookshelves. But that doesn’t mean I can’t win some. Thank you for the great giveaway.
As far as movies are concerned, I tend to avoid most of the last 20 years. Too many remakes trying to improve on classics. Too much tasteless comedy. Too many movies that don’t have much to say or don’t entertain. I made an exception over Christmas vacation to see The Hobbit with my son and grandkids. I do recommend it. Much better than the previous version that I saw more than 30 years ago. That was a disappointment.
Such an amazing giveaway. I still can’t figure out why haven’t I read ARTICLE 5 but I will read it this month I promise that. I will also love to read Girl of Nightmares because it has great reviews.
My goal this year was to read only classics this year… I already failed it. Here’s to failing even more if I can win! π
Fingers crossed for the contest! I loved Anna Dressed in Blood and can’t wait to read Girl of Nightmares. Also, Article 5 has been on my wishlist for way too long. Thanks for holding this giveaway!
And I had the exact same impression of Something Borrowed. Terrible.
Contest Entry
I think I’ll skip Something Borrowed since I have no time for shitty movies, but these books! Oh, these books would look perfect in my hands!
P.S. Thanks for the giveaway!
Can’t wait…
…to read both these, even if I don’t win them! Thanks for the giveaway!
Article 5 and The Girl of Nightmares giveaway
Such an awesome giveaway! Article 5 has been on my to be read list for a while! Anna Dressed in Blood and The Girl of Nightmares are also on my to be read list! I’m really excited to read them. I have seen Something Borrowed. I don’t think there is a deep meaning in it.
I commented at Goodreads, but I don’t see my comment here. Having enjoyed ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD, I want to be sure I get in on this giveaway! Thanks for this, Kendare. π