No Entry Title today. Just the GIRL OF NIGHTMARES cover.
This showed up in my inbox unexpectedly.
There's no official release date yet, but I wasn't waiting! I love just about everything about this, and I hope you do too! It's from the same team as the first cover. Once again, their talent has boggled me. I'm boggled for the day. I was going to do an actual journal entry now, but you know, eff it. I'm too boggled. My brain is just reds and ghosts and bare feet.

Wow, so gorgeous!
Hey Sonia! Glad you like it 🙂 Also, you must be the fastest commenter in the west!
Thank you, Lisa! Also, I’m an ass. I haven’t congratulated you on the launch of the beautiful MERCY LILY!! It sounds devastating 🙂
LOL! Oh, yeah, I was thinking what an ass you are. NOT! 🙂
We’re crazed busy so don’t worry about it! It’s at BN and it makes it feel so real! I saw ANNA DRESSED IN BLLOD THERE! (still have to go see ML! 😉
OMG, it’s beautiful!
Glad you like! Thank you!
I think so too. The red! These art guys make pretty things.
WOW!! Absolutely amazing! I love it!
Thank you, Suzanne!
Love it! In a sneaky stroke-the-screen-and-coo kinda way… ^_^
“sneaky stroke-the-screen-and-coo kinda way”
Well, that’s the best way.
Oh. My. God! This is absolutely gorgeous! LOVE everything about it! *stares longingly at screen*
Thanks, Jessica! I wasn’t expecting it so soon! It was a nice surprise.
Suh-weet. Love it. Also sorta jealous in an agency-sibling kinda way 🙂
Ha ha, glad you like. Someday very soon, I will be jealous of your covers too, no doubt.
Love it!
Love it!
Oh, that is an absolutely gorgeous cover. Really striking, the kind of cover that jumps off the shelves and chases you through the store before tackling you round the ankles, knocking you to the ground and gnawing on your limbs while you shriek and wave your wallet at the cashier, begging him to just let you buy it already before it eats your spleen.
…or, you know. Something like that.
(I friended you because you wrote an awesome story about a ghost who has the same name as me. That’s pretty much the way to my heart. Hi!)
So your name is Anna? Hi!
I wish books really did chase you around the store. But if books did chase you, the way you described Girl of Nightmares, gnawing for your spleen, sounds just about right. That would be the marketing line: Buy it before it gets to your spleen.
Glad you like the cover! Hope you like the guts as much.
omg it’s amazing. It’s horrifying and beautiful and ANNA <3
Thank you! It’s everything I hoped 🙂
This is lovely. So excited to see it. And I’m super happy that they’ve kept with the same general theme for the covers. I loved the first one quite a lot, and I’m happy to see Anna make a return. 🙂
Yes! To quote my editor, “Anna always makes for a good cover.” She’s cursed, murderous, and cover-genic, apparently.
Thanks, Brielle! Very glad you like it.
Oh its amazing!! I just keep staring at it!! Anna is beautiful, oh and her hair!!
I can’t even pre-order it yet!!
Best cover of 2012 for sure!! 🙂
Oh the bare feet! Yes.
Can’t wait to see Anna again 🙂
Thank you, Maurissa! I don’t know why, but I really like those bare feet.
Brilliant. I love it!
Linda G.
ooo amazing cover! when the release date comes i am going to camp out at the local bookstore waiting for this one! i am still in awe at Anna Dressed in Blood. that was one amazing book and i am sure this one will be better!
damn awesome
ok, it’s too late, now i’m in love with you and anna, how can i live without you both? and oh, beautiful cover!
Re: Cover Art
Thank you! I hope the guts stand up to the clothes. The art team did a fantastic job, I think.
Gorgeous cover.I just can’t stop watching it.It’s so beautiful.I love it.
I hope you will keep updating your content constantly as you have one dedicated reader here.
Eek! I’m sorry for the lag! I’m in sort of a holding pattern, and I’m the overlord of procrastination. Thank you for reading, and I swear I’ll get something up next week. With any luck it’ll even have something worthwhile in it.
But that would take lots of luck 🙂
Congratulations and can’t wait!
Just finished Anna last night…thought it was a perfect way to end Halloween after I got Hermione and the iPhone 4 (my kiddos) tucked into bed. I love the YA genre and am so glad you have entered the fray. Your writing and story telling are sharp, witty and just a pleasure to dive into. Keep up the good work and can’t wait more of Anna’s story to unfold in Girl of Nightmares!
Your site article is very intersting as well as fanstic,at the same time your blog theme is exclusive and ideal,great job.To your success.
Can’t wait
I just finished Anna a few days ago, and not I’m reading it again!! I can’t wait for Girl of Nightmares!!
The covers are just damn beautiful in that haunting way. I love and live for those things that are hauntingly beautiful or lovely and dark at the same time. Like Anna! And Cas! And Thomas! xD
I’m so glad you like them. The artist, Nekro, definitely does some amazing stuff!
Nekro?! What a great name, necro meaning “dead” right? Or something of that nature. Very cool! By the way, I’m Nicole, the girl that read your book in one night and posted about it on your FB wall at 3:30AM and is now rereading it!
When Anna makes her first appearance and she descends down the stairs… *shivers* it’s so beautiful and incredibly creepy all at once, then goes and rips Mike in two, I love that scene. You know a book is good when you can’t get it out of your head even after you’ve finished reading it and that’s what your book is for me. I can see myself anticipating each new book as they come out. August 7th is SO SO SO far!
Do you sell posters or prints of the covers?
Ha, I have no idea if Nekro is a play on necro, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Very dark, dazzling work. Also, very happy you enjoy the Mike-ripping scene. It was fun to write her first appearance.
I don’t sell posters or prints of the cover, but I’ve got some Anna bookmarks. If you want a few, just email me: