My foot hurts. Can I go to the nurse? (The Big Easy, and The Big Apple.)
The quote is from Clueless. When poor Miss Geist is asking for feedback from the class and that's all she can get out of Elton. Because Elton, was a butt.
I don't know why I'm using it. Maybe because I just got back from vacation, and a trip to the Brooklyn Book Festival, and now I've got post-vacation malaise. I should be getting back to work, but I just want to raise my hand and ask to go to the nurse. Where I could lay on one of those nice, quiet cots all through the math test. Ah, memories.
Anyway, vacation was a blast trip to New Orleans, with my brother, my best friend (who he's been dating for a long period of disgusting time) and of course, my husband Dylan. I hoped for great Creole cooking, beignets, a ghost tour, a fortune telling, relaxing days, booze, and perhaps being dragged around by a mule. I got almost all of that.
And, we all got tattoos. For many years, I've wanted to get a tattoo of part of Hector's speech from Book 6 of the Iliad. After I wrote ANTIGODDESS, I told myself that if the book sold, I could get it. And then if the book didn't sell, I guess I didn't have to have a needle repeatedly jammed into my back, so…bright side? Anyway, the book sold last year, and now I have the tattoo, in Greek, commemorating the series.
Dylan got the Ghostbusters symbol. I like to pretend that it's commemorating the Anna series, even though it isn't, and Cas would really be annoyed.
In book world, I got to see my agent in person, and got a tour of the Tor offices in the Flatiron Building. I also got to see the first (and rejected before I ever saw it) cover of ANTIGODDESS. It was striking, and bold, but the team was right. Even though it was a beautiful cover, it wasn't quite right for this particular book. So, they've gone back to the drawing board, which has moved the release date from August 2013 to September. I hear they should be coming up with something else very soon.
I also may have made an obscene gesture during a panel discussion…but that's neither here nor there.
Got a shiny ARC of BREAKING POINT by Kristen Simmons. Jealous? I'm not letting it go either. Because I, like Elton, am a butt. Or I might, because I'll probably need someone to gush to about it before February. And now, my foot hurts. Can I go to the nurse?

Hey Ash!
Ha ha, that tattoo bug…I never get it, for some reason. Except maybe right out of the chair, when the endorphins are still present 🙂
They’re always a nice thing to do to commemorate a vacation!