Minor news, with bigger news to follow, and Happy Birthday, old horse!
I was waiting to blog this month because there are some cool things in the mix for the Three Dark Crowns series that are yet to be announced. BUT! If I don’t blog now I’ll miss February, plus I need something to do for like twenty minutes before I can feed my pack their lunch and fix myself my daily cup of coffee, so here I am. I’ll just have to save the news for March. But it’s rad. And I want to talk about it. Now.
But I won’t. Restraint. It’s the name of the game.
ONE DARK THRONE got a nifty cover reveal over on the official series Facebook page. And oh! It got an official series Facebook page! Have you liked and followed it? I wholeheartedly recommend that you do, because it sounds like they have some excellent plans: announcements and quizzes and special content. My lovely webdesigner Rachel also added a One Dark Throne page to the site here, complete with pre-order links if you are so inclined (and for those of you who have asked, there have been rumblings about a pre-order campaign but I’m not sure yet. Save your receipts to be safe. Also THANK YOU!).
And I got a sneak peek at the UK cover (I’m thinking there will only be one this time) and it is lovely.
On a personal note, I’d like to wish my horse Lassie a very happy birthday. February 25th will mark her golden birthday, and on such a big occasion, I had to send her something special. So I sent her a box of cannoli made for horses. She’s an old lady horse now, but to me she will always be a baby. And a jerk. Oh, how she bites me.
And on a strange personal note, my parents found my old adoption paperwork and discovered my original name. k81 2097. Which I think sounds fantastic. Like I’m a cyborg. Henceforth I shall be called The k81, and if I ask you if you have seen this boy, you should run.
Now to feed the pack! And I hope to be able to blog next month with news!

Oh boy the idea of March just keeps getting better and better. Also, K18 2097 sounds like the next possible protag to grace future pages? Maybe? Maybe antag? Oh the options. Also, I’m not one of those people that have sets of books in all the editions avalible, but I think this series is the one that’s going to break me. The covers are so gorgeous!!
Haha, I don’t think I’m techy enough to write cyborg fiction, but that would be fun. And I’m so glad you like the covers!!
My golden birthday was on February 25th too! =]
Oh excellent! Happy birthday!
I just DEVOURED 3DC and I’m absolutely bereft that 1DT isn’t released yet. What’s a girl to do now?! I’m just going to have to cram this novel into my friends faces until they succumb to the sheer peer pressure of the force feeding and read it too so I can discuss the revelations at the end and not sound like a raving lunatic. I should also be writing but after this I need some time to process what life even is and let my soul heal from the emotional beating it just took at the hands of a hardcover.
Haha, I fully approve of this force feeding you described 🙂 And I’m so glad you enjoyed the book! I’m even glad it gave you such a brutal emotional beating. Which sounds wrong…but you know what I mean.
Can you give us a hint on who gets the throne?
Nevarr! (which was me dramatically shouting ‘never’) But it’s not long now until One Dark Throne, and then you’ll know! Even though there are four books in total, the crown is won in this one.
You would make an excellent cyborg – but the amount of emotion poured into your books simply can’t be faked 🙂
Im new to your books and I seriously red the first 2 in a week and waited 2 weeks for the 3rd I finally read the 3rd and was wondering if you had any news on the 4th?! Im dying to know what happens next
Hi Kyrsten! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series! There’s no real news yet about the fourth one except that it should come out September 2019. I’ll be sure to update here with title/cover, etc, when I’m allowed to. Thank you so much for reading!