In which I explain my absence, a new book deal, and hey, come hang out with me.
Where’d the summer go? That crafty son of a b, it went and had itself a fine sunny time whilst I was trapped inside bent over this scraggly old computer. So, that’s where I’ve been. Or rather, here, is where I’ve been. Right here, writing on Secret Project 3D, which is now not so secret, because it was announced today:
Publisher’s Weekly Book Deals: Week of September 15th, 2014
Wahoo! I’m very excited about this project, and I can’t wait for you to meet the three triplet queens. Mirabella, the elemental, Arsinoe, the naturist, and little Katharine, the poisoner. Only one can have the crown, the poor dears, and they’re in quite the bloodthirsty pickle. So there it is. THREE DARK CROWNS. I wonder how long it will take for me to stop referring to it as 3D.
But first! I’ve got MORTAL GODS tour dates and festivals and such! Check out the Events page for the updated schedule. There might be one more after the Louisiana Book Festival, but I’m not certain yet. Come on out and hang! I would love to meet you.
I feel like there’s something else I’m supposed to mention, or that I wanted to talk about. But I was in Minnesota visiting family until this morning and I have plane mush brain. Ah well. It couldn’t have been that important.

Yay, Kendare! This is so exciting! And that premise is badass. Can’t wait!
Thanks, Sara! It feels like a long way off, but time really sneaks by.
SO EXCITING 😀 I cannot wait to read this new book of yours. <3 🙂 It sounds awesome.
Thanks, Carina! I hope you enjoy it in 2016! Seems like a long time, but time flies 🙂
Incredibly awesome. It sounds fantastic. Major congrats to you!
Thank you!
Sounds like a really cool series! Happy writing! Looking forward to when it hits shelves.
Thank you! It’ll be awhile, but I hope you like it. I’m looking forward to sharing more about it, soonish.
Thank you!
I just finished Antigoddess and absolutely loved it! Can’t wait to go to the bookstore and get Mortal Gods. (: Keep being fantastic! Thanks so much.
Thank you! I apologize for the delay in replying. After my tour ended, life conspired to keep me behind schedule. I’m almost caught up. I’m so thrilled you enjoyed Antigoddess. I hope you enjoy Mortal Gods too. Thank you again!