If there’s any kind of magic in the world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone
The quote is from Before Sunrise, with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. It's the first in the "Before" saga, and if you haven't seen it, or its nine-years-later sequel, Before Sunset, or its nine-years-after-that sequel again Before Midnight, then you're missing out. Taken together, they form some of the most romantic and interesting hours on film. I saw Before Midnight this weekend. The evolution of these two actors and their continued work on these two characters over the last twenty some years is a real treasure. I highly recommend them. Of course, Dylan thought Before Sunset was neurotic and annoying, and Before Midnight was clever but uncomfortable, so hey, it's all subjective.
But despite his reservations, we happily talked about the film for hours afterward. So there, Dylan, you buttcrack. (Obviously, Dylan does not read the blog.)
Anyway, stuff going on. The trailer for ANTIGODDESS is being shot this weekend, and I'm very excited after reading the rough script. Girl of Nightmares just came out in Spanish, and it's called Anna Desde el Infierno, which I hope means Anna down in hell, because that's sort of funny if you say it fast. I received a copy from my lovely Spanish publisher…if anyone reading the blog would like a Spanish edition and lives in the United States, comment and I'll send one to you. Unless I get a lot of comment requests, because I only have a few, and I'm keeping one.
I'm going to be at San Diego Comic Con! Yay! Maybe for a signing, but definitely for a panel.
Thursday, July 18
10:30 – 11:30 am Paranormal Passion Panel: Authors discuss the inclusion of romantic elements in their action-packed novels at the Paranormal Passion Panel. Protagonists must battle the forces of evil while trying to keep the world (and often their lovers) safe from destruction. Please join Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy for a discussion with Christine Feehan (Guest of Honor), Amy Vincent (Spellcaster), Aprilynne Pike (Earthbound), Lauren Kate (The Fallen Novels), Magnus Flyte (City of Dark Magic). Room 24ABC
Pretty juiced about this! Although I was previously booked on a superhero panel, and that would have been pretty sweet too.
Also, Minnesota events confirmed!
Friday, September 27th, 6:30 pm, Red Balloon Bookshop, St. Paul, MN
Saturday, September 28th, 7 pm, Scout & Morgan Booksellers, Cambridge, MN
I wanted to have a Minnesota event closer to the Twin Cities this time because I felt super guilty when fantastic bloggers drove all the way up to Cambridge. Both events should feature a goddess-themed beverage menu, with drinks called The Aphrodite, The Hera, and either The Hermes or The Athena. Red Balloon will feature The Hermes, which will pretty much be soda pop. Scout & Morgan will feature The Athena, which is just beer in a bottle, because she doesn't go in for those fancy, fruity umbrella drinks. I'll post menu specifics later on.
Other tour stops still being finalized, but I hope to see some of you on the road in September!

Minnesota?! Sadly you are going when I’m not. Why are our paths not destined to cross minus creepy emails and tweets?
The universe has deigned it would be too strong a convergence of awesome 🙂 Or perhaps too strong a convergence of weird?…Still waiting on other tour stops. Maybe one will be close!
I hope you end up in Texas again on your tour. I finished reading Antigoddess…and wow. I really loved it. Having trouble writing my review (just writing I loved this book, read it) doesn’t go over all that well.
Some odd reason I’m thinking…I would like a Spanish version of the book…but I can’t read Spanish but I bet it’s very pretty.
My Friends Are Fiction
I hope I end up in Texas again, too! Love it there. Bummed I’m going to miss Austin Teen Book Fest.
I’m so glad you liked Antigoddess! Don’t know why two line reviews leave people wanting more…if reviews could just be a photo of my thumb in an upright or down position, I’d do a lot more of them. But I’ve read several of your reviews at the blog and you do write great ones, so I understand why your readers would want more.
If you would like a Spanish edition, I will happily send one. I’ve got your address saved in the preorder contest folder. Will get it into the mail on my next trip.
I guess I need to watch that movie Beofre Sunrise!
I wish I could go to comic con!
Re: I guess I need to watch that movie Beofre Sunrise!
Hey Tabitha!
Before Sunrise is great. A real talkfest, but so in keeping with being twentysomething and romantic.
I wish you could go to comic con too! This will be my first venture there. I’m really looking forward to the costuming.
I may be able to go to Cambridge to see you! Just have to catch a ride that is willing to drive 3 hours there and 3 hours back 🙂 Sucks how authors I like rarely come to Iowa (because Iowa is a nobody state D:) so I always miss the tours! I really hope I can go this year! *crosses fingers*
Wow! All the way up to Cambridge from Iowa is quite a haul. If you can make it to Red Balloon in St. Paul you can shave off an hour…but I suppose it’s harder to find a road trip buddy for a weekday than a weekend.
If you make the pilgrimage up, I would love to see you! But I’ll feel guilty for your long trip, so let me know if you plan to come, and I’ll try to bring some special goodies 🙂