I Sort of Thought He’d Die in a Freak Shuffleboard Accident
Osama Bin Laden is dead. Killed during a military operation in Pakistan. In the coming days, it will be interesting to listen to the world. People are going to have plenty to say, and I think I’ll just shut up and listen. Only…it had been so long…and they kept saying how old he was…I had sort of thought he’d die in a freak shuffleboard accident and we’d never hear about it.
Moving on…I think my DVR is turning me into a demanding, TV watching asshole. I thought it’d really free up my schedule, unchain me from the moving picture screen and the computer. Instead I’ve become impulsive, all GIMME GIMME GIMME! when I see a new show. Before I know it I’ve got an epic stack of recorded things to watch. I used to brag that the only show I was remotely addicted to was House. And then Fringe happened. And then Chopped. And then I started recording everything I ever watched because I couldn’t be bothered to watch it with *gasp* COMMERCIALS. Now, between Camelot, The Borgias, The Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones, it’s fair to say my life is over. I’m exaggerating here, but oddly enough, not that much.
In the reading world, I’m closing in on the midway mark in Courtney Allison Moulton’s ANGELFIRE, which is completely addictive, and the pages go by without me even knowing, except that it continually tries to give me papercuts, because I think the thing feeds on human blood. I also keep trying to break into Dancing After Hours, but my comparison of Dubus to Carver is undermining the effort. Once I stop being such a headcase, it’s going to be brilliant.
Saw Insidious. You should too, if you like things that are uncertain and scary. Also, if you enjoyed Poltergeist. If you didn’t enjoy Poltergeist, then you should leave after the first ninety minutes. But those first ninety minutes. Yow. Dylan got so scared, he bit me. That’s what he does when threatened. He’s a biter.
People are reading Anna Dressed in Blood. They are kind, and I am grateful. One of these days, I’ll write a post about what it’s like to try to sit in front of a computer screen while simultaneously shuffling your feet, looking at your shoes, stuffing your hands into your pockets and saying, "aw shucks I’m uncomfortable." But not today.