Help Share the MORTAL GODS Cover and be entered to win an ARC! (Details below.)
Well, the Mortal Gods cover is here, and I asked Twitter if some bloggers would be kind enough to help me share it, and wowza, there are many kind bloggers out there. If you are also a kind blogger, email me at to feature the cover on your blog and you will also be entered to win an ARC. I was going to give away 3, but based on the generous response I'm going to up that number. To…I don't know yet, I can't remember how many I requested.
If you are not a blogger, and would like to enter also, no problem! I'll post the cover to Facebook, and here on the blog, and on the Antigoddess Facebook page, and if you share it on your wall, I'll enter you! Or if you post it anywhere on any social media, let me know, and I'll enter you!
Here's the official stuff:
Bloggers: after you email me, I'll respond with an image of the cover, and some guidelines that aren't guidelines, basically that you can share the cover in whatever way you want within the next month, and you will be entered. If you'd like me to do something special for the reveal, like a mini interview or I don't know…a dance or something, well, I will not do a dance. I don't want to blind people right before they're supposed to see a cover. But I'm glad to do short interviews or commentary or whatnot.
Let's say that April 1st is the cutoff day, so I have a date to draw winners. Also because it is Tybalt's birthday. Also, Tyrion Cattister's birthday, because we don't know his exact day, but it's around the same time, and I draw the line at TWO cat parties.
In case this isn't obvious, (and it should be obvious) YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. Thank you. I really hope you like the cover, but more importantly, I hope you like what's, you know, under it. Behind it. Between it?

Ahh this is so exciting!! <3
Let’s be real, you would give your cat the birthday of April 1st.