First I plan to soil myself. Then I’m going to regroup and come up with another plan.
Austin Powers. For months afterward whenever my mother asked what I was going to do that day, the line about soiling was my reply. My mother is a patient woman.
But this is a post about plans. Plans about signings with amazing authors. I'll put a list at the bottom.
So onto the other things. This has been a week of catching up, after the crazed sprint that was ANTIGODDESS revisions. I've caught up on some reading, which I'll be posting or tweeting about shortly. I did a fun game of Truth or Dare with the Friday the Thirteeners. Resumed my french lessons. Basically, I cleared my desk to write a new short story about Cas & Co., which I'm really looking forward to. I miss that boy.
Saw the preview for The Raven, starring John Cusack, you know, that movie that turns Edgar Allan Poe into an action hero, or sort of. I love Poe and Cusack as much as the next person who has seen eighties movies, but I don't know about this. Action hero? I thought he was just a brilliant, occasionally incestuous pedophile. Okay, okay, girls married young back then. Still. Ew.
Okay, here's the list:
The New Kids on the YA Block mini-tour, with Kiki Hamilton (THE FAERIE RING), Helen Landalf (FLYAWAY), Kathy McCullough (DON'T EXPECT MAGIC), Megan Bostic (NEVER EIGHTEEN) and Carole Estby Dagg (THE YEAR WE WERE FAMOUS)
March 14th, 7pm
Third Place Books
17171 Bothell Way NE
Lake Forest Park, WA
March 15th, we'll be visiting Capital High School and then signing at the Timberland Library at 7:30 in downtown Olympia, WA.
March 16th, it's off to Tacoma where we'll be joined by Alexa Martin (GIRL WONDER) at:
Garfield Book Co.
208 Garfield St. South
Tacoma, WA 98444
At each there will be speed reads, Q&A, and we've sworn to bring goodies.
In April, I'll be at the LA Times Festival of Books, doing a panel and a signing, April 21st and 22nd. Times TBA.
Also in April, I'm headed to the International Reading Association conference in Chicago. I'll be signing on Monday April 30th from 2-3 and on a panel Tuesday morning from 9:45 or so until 11. Then a podcast of some sort. Kristen Simmons (ARTICLE 5) is going to be there too. I hope we get up to the dickens. Whatever "dickens" are.
And it appears I'll be at ALA in June. Awesome. George RR Martin is going to be there and I'm going to stare at him. And make that "V" gesture toward my eyes, and then in his direction. Until people remove me. Shouldn't take long.
If anyone is anywhere near any of these places, I'd love to meet you. And I know, I have virtually no info yet about the LA Times Festival, and I apologize about that to those who have asked. I'll update ASAP.