Where Have I Been? Under a pile of books? In a fugue state? Yes, and Yes.
At this point, I have been away from this website for so long that I’m not even going to mention what’s happened in the interim. Suffice it to say, there has been a string of Very Bad Things. I was talking to my dad yesterday and joked that I thought I might be under some kind of curse, and he said, that while it might feel that way, sometimes life just has a series of kinks that need to work themselves out. And I said, “Curses, old man! What do you know?” But, he’s probably right.
Since I’ve been gone, two Buffy books have come out, and the third is set to release on April 9th. I can’t wait to live it up one final time in the Buffyverse. I am going, to par-tay. I’m talking series readalongs and maybe episode watchalongs and BUFFY TRIVIA and Annotated Copy Giveaways and I hope some of you Buffy fans will join me.
For all you non-Buffy fans, come on, watch Buffy with us. But also, I have two books coming out this month:
–The Anna Dressed in Blood Anniversary Edition (September 12th)
–Champion of Fate (September 19th)
The ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD ANNIVERSARY EDITION features an all-new novella called “DEAR ANNA” that catches up with Cas, Thomas and Carmel ten years later. They go to a haunted hotel, which is someplace I’ve always wanted to see Cas go. A certain ghostly love of his life may also make an appearance.
CHAMPION OF FATE is my love-letter to the epic fantasies of my youth. Immortal warriors and immortal horses, secret orders, heroes on a journey. To the Amazons and the Jedi. To the Iliad and the Mists of Avalon. To Lord of the Rings. And yes, to Xena: Warrior Princess. Which, if anyone wants to make a show based on Champion of Fate, doing it in the style of Xena: Warrior Princess would be a good way to do it. Just saying.
If you preorder Champion of Fate, please email a screenshot of your receipt and your mailing address to ChampionOfFatePreorder@gmail.com and I will send you three character tarot cards and a sticker as a thank you. Because preorders are really important! Submit the same thing to my publisher on this Champion of Fate Preorder page and they’ll send you a rad metal pin. Because seriously, they love those preorders. And when my publisher is happy, I feel…relaxed.
Another Bad or Bittersweet thing to note: (I’m telling you, Dad, I’m cursed, dammit! Throw some salt at me, what kind of a father are you?) I recently lost my wonderful agent of more than twelve years, Adriann Ranta Zurhellen. (I adore Adriann; she’s absolutely brilliant and without her I would have no career to speak of. Three Dark Crowns, in particular, would not exist as it does now.) I’m excited for her as she moves on to a new adventure in editorial, but I am definitely sad. Thankfully, after a call earlier today I’m very lucky to be staying on with Folio Literary Management, with the wonderful Emily Van Beek.
ONE LAST THING: You might notice there’s a newsletter sign-up on this website now. Because one day I was feeling like not a total lazy pants. For folks who sign up, my plan is to send you the bonus Three Dark Crowns story about Joseph and Billy, which isn’t available anywhere else. I just need to get the story all formatted and prettied up and I will do that as soon as these release things calm down.
OK, now this is really the last thing. We recently welcomed a stray cat into our home, so please welcome my new cat-son, Tom Bezos-Daytona. If you want to know the origin of his name, check the reel about him on my Instagram.