Naked Cats, Release Date, and WTF 2016?
2016, you’re finally over. I knew there was a reason I didn’t like even numbers. I talked to my mom on New Year’s Eve and mentioned how glad I was the year was over, and she very sweetly asked “Why? Is it Trump?” And I wanted to say, “well sure but also remember that time you tried to kill yourself?” but honestly I think she’s blocked most of that out, and that’s fine, she’s doing much better now and I have appreciated all of the kind thoughts that came in after my last post and I apologize for this run-on sentence.
I didn’t need to tell her that celebrity deaths also sucked, and nor do I need to tell anyone else, but I will mention the one that affected me the most, and that was Alan Rickman. My adoration started with Sense and Sensibility and I never really got over it.

But, despite an air of relief that the year was ending, the holidays around here were pleasant. I made Giada DeLaurentis’s lobster linguini and standing rib roast, plus fennel, which we’d never had and discovered we’d rather just have celery. I received a very cool set of gifts from my serial killer-studying pal: a weaving made from one of my favorite chapters of Anna Dressed in Blood, and a crow sculpture made entirely of graphite so the whole thing is a pencil.

And last but certainly not least, we got a new baby. A five month old sphynx kitten named Armpit McGee:
He has no fur, and needs many bathings and face and ear cleanings, and sure, sometimes it feels like there’s an uncooked chicken running across my living room, but we adore him.
In writing world: edits on ONE DARK THRONE are nearly done, and we have a release date: September 19th, 2017 !! It’s available for pre-order already, and some of you have already ordered, which blows my mind. A million times, thank you. More news to come soon.
And I’m going to Chicago to chat with Veronica Roth about her new book CARVE THE MARK: February 9th at 7pm, Community Christian Church, hosted by Anderson’s Bookshop. It’s ticketed, and we’ll both sign after, I think.
Three Dark Crowns popped up on the NYT list again yesterday, print(#3!) and ebook(#2!), so that was awesome. Thank you to those of you who have given it a whirl.
And that’s my month. Keep on, keepin’ on.