At a Daiye spa for a week (BEA, Klindt’s, events, nap time.)
I think the quote from Zoolander is something like, Derek to Matilda: "You can't just come in here, demanding sex and then changing your mind, telling someone they've been at a day spa for a week…."
That's how I feel, after returning from my first Book Expo America and my second YA Day at Klindt's Bookstore in The Dalles, Oregon. Not the demanding sex part. Or the changing my mind part. But like I've been at a day spa for a week. Invigorated. Refreshed. Jelly-legged. With a sort of warped sense of what time and day it is.
Book Expo was terrific. Only there for a blink of an eye, but long enough to be wowed by librarians at a librarian's dinner, blown away by the kindness of people who stood around in a long line for me to sign just one copy of ANTIGODDESS, (wish I could have talked to each one much longer), have a few too-short visits with my publicist and great editors at Tor (my editor, Mel, was struck down by strep throat. Felt terrible for her. Strep throat sucks like a sucker.)
For everyone who has asked about Anna Dressed in Blood movie news, I don't have any. I did meet with Meghan Hibbett, who runs Fickle Fish Films with Stephenie Meyer. It was way cool, and she is way fun, and such a fan of the book that she went as Anna for Halloween last year. The wait for the movie will be long, but I have no doubt it is in good hands. I mean come on, she likes Game of Thrones and Fringe. She told me stories about reading Anna at the same time as Stephenie, and I listened and thought, "this is a person who is enthusiastic enough about Anna Dressed in Blood that she wants to create it again in another medium." It was a brief walk in crazy weirdsville.
Then it was off to YA Day at fabulous Klindt's bookstore in The Dalles. I love that store. Now, back home, ready to get back to work. It's time.
In the upcoming weeks, I hope to have stops nailed down for the ANTIGODDESS tour this September. It's strange, getting ready for this new thing. Getting ready to talk about Cassandra and Athena. I love them both for different reasons. One day when there's more time, maybe I'll write about why. I certainly hope I can think of something to say to anyone kind enough to come out for a tour stop, or there will be just a lot of improvised dance.
You don't want to see my improvised dance.

I can’t wait for your tour schedule. I’ll definitely be coming by to see you!
Excellent! I would love to meet you and be able to chat for a bit! Where are you located?
Yay! I live in the Boston area.
Ah, Boston! I don’t know if the tour stops will bring me there, but I am going to be there in October for a teacher’s conference. If the tour doesn’t work, maybe we can meet up then 🙂