ANTIGODDESS cover roundup!
I've never done a cover reveal before. Not really. With Anna and Girl I just slapped them up on the old Livejournal and called it a day. But I enjoy seeing cover reveals for other books and reading about how the cover came to be, etc, so since bloggers are excellent I thought I'd try to a blogger reveal. But I'm still slapping it up on the old Livejournal (which seems to have undergone a makeover, though I doubt that will matter to the goat much):
Novel Sounds – I made an ANTIGODDESS playlist
Cuddlebuggery – Crazy interview and hilarious fake covers, plus US giveaway (Anna and Girl)
Peace, Love, Teen Fiction – I do something weird here (so nothing new) and talk about the cover like I fell into it. ALso, International Giveaway, because the Penguin fears no post offices!
Chick Loves Lit – Reveal by the excellent Shanyn, who is still too scared to read my books.
The Book Rat – Grabby hands Spike and an inappropriate story about Anna and ANTIGODDESS's Lady Problems
Kari's Crowded Bookshelf – Interview and talk about how I came up with the title.
Birth of a New Witch – Reveal
In sad news, my uber old flip phone finally broke this week, forcing me to get one of those new fangled smart phones. RIP, old, loyal phone I could drop in the pool and never charge….the new phone I have named Charizard. Because it's a willful dick.

Ha ha ha excellent description of my wussy self
I loved your description of where your copy of Anna sits. It made me think of Friends, when Joey puts The Shining in the freezer.