aaaaaand winter.
Fall has come and gone, leaving me with so many leaves to rake, and so many sad dog eyes staring at me because it’s raining and we can’t go to the park. Obi-dog and Agent Scully’s lives are, they assure me, the absolute worst. Also, BRB, I think I just heard Armpit McGee fall into the toilet.
Yep. But he’s OK!
Had a blast on tour this fall (thanks to everyone who came out and said hi). There were many highlights, but here’s one I won’t soon forget: finding a speakeasy in the back of a drugstore in Jackson, MS. I ordered a drink that tasted, no joke, like raw chicken. I sent it back. I never send anything back; I’m midwestern, dammit, but it seriously tasted like raw chicken. Katharine McGee and Jessie Ann Foley bravely tasted and agreed.
Also: stayed at a hotel in Austin for the Texas Book Festival and was plagued by nightmares and awoken at 4am by ominous loud whistling outside my door that continued off and on (and up and down the hall) for several minutes. Annoyed, I thought it must have been a bored member of the staff, and went back to sleep. Then in the morning, still unnerved, I googled the hotel and the floor I was on was reportedly haunted. Did I have a ghost experience? Can we just say I did, because I never have those.
THE YOUNG QUEENS novella comes out on December 26th in ebook:
And here it is in the UK:
I hope you enjoy this glimpse into the queens’ lives before we meet them in Three Dark Crowns. Speaking of Three Dark Crowns, work begins on the revision of Three Dark Crowns #3! Back in July, when I finished the first draft I tweeted that I thought about 60% of it was actually good! Oh how I look back on that tweet now, and laugh. And LAUGH. And then cry.
I’m staring down a January deadline in order to hold pace for our September release date, so I’m going to disappear down a writing hole and when I emerge will be pale, and nearly blind. I might pop out early if they decide to reveal the cover, or actual title. Until then, oh Three Dark Crowns #3:

will this become available in a hard copy book? I do not have a kindle or any other electronic way of reading this.. it kills my eyes to be on a computer to long. plus there is just something special about sitting down with an actual book getting to read it..
I’m the same way about physical books. I love the feeling of turning those pages. I do a lot of reading on the computer, and my iPad as well, but when I sit down to pleasure read it’s almost always with a physical copy! The novellas will be available April 4th in paperback. It’s called QUEENS OF FENNBIRN and is available for pre-order.
Wellllllllll I REALLY RREALLY need to spend my winter reading these books, so WHEN IN THE WORLD is two dark reigns coming outtt???
September 4th, 2018! It’s nearing completion now, running a few months late, but I’m going to bust my butt so it makes its production deadline.
Will you eveeer consider continuing with a 3 book continuing on Girl of Nightmares? Just a thought ecause I really love that book as a favorite of mine, and was a bit heartbroken to find out that there was not another continuing novel. Thank you
Welll….there isn’t one planned anytime in the near future. So, while I’m hesitant to say no, I should probably come to terms with it, and say no. I haven’t heard from Cas in a very long time. I hope he’s not dead! And to be honest, I’m not sure the demand is there anymore to make it a profitable venture for a publisher. BUT! There are still things in the works for the series in the realm of (fingers-crossed!) TV. So maybe someday?
So I might be a bit late to the club but is The Young Queens the same as Queens of Fennbirn. It’s the same book with a different name?
The Young Queens is one of the two novellas that make up Queens of Fennbirn, so yes. If you want to read it in print, you would need to get Queens of Fennbirn. But if you want to read it as an ebook, then you just need The Young Queens. The other novella is The Oracle Queen. Hope that helps!