3 Girl of Nightmares ARCs up for grabs. But it isn’t easy…
Okay, so I promised to get the open ARC giveaway up and running, and then I promptly effed off to the LA Times Festival of Books and the International Reading Association conference. Which was fun, by the way. Here's a photo of Kristen Simmons (ARTICLE 5!!!), me, and Annette and Gina Cascone (DEADTIME STORIES).
You can just comment to enter. That's one point. If you tweet or facebook the contest, that's another point each. (FYI, tally up these points people, and put it in your entry. I ain't good at the maths.)
However, for those of you who want extra entries, do something fun. This can be in your comment: Tell me a joke. A limerick. Give me a music recommendation (because I desperately need them.) Give me a book rec (even though my TBR pile is massive). Tell me something random, about yourself, or about anything. I love random crap. Tell me who you'd cast in the movie. ANY OF THESE WOULD BE WORTH 5 POINTS. But I'm not counting more than two. You can combine them with the tweeting, etc. Again, add up these points.
I may regret this system when I have to count this up.
Finally, for those of you who want SUPER MEGA entries, this is your creative chance to shine.
1. A photo of yourself, doing something ANNA related. Or of something ANNA related. Perhaps acting out scene from the book. Or do a doodle and take a picture of it. I like drawings of penguins. Or perhaps something like this:
2. Fan Art. I love fan art, it is in-fricken-credible. You guys are crazy talented, and I adore seeing it. This can also be sent to kendareblake@yahoo.com and will be worth 15 POINTS. Please include permission to possibly show them off on the blog.
3. Video of some sort. A dramatic reading. A re-enactment. A fan trailer you made in the past or now. An explanation of why cheesemaking is a lost art, and how Anna would have made a great cheesemaker if she'd been allowed to live. There aren't really any rules, except that it had to be made with Anna in mind or at least with the contest in mind. Any video, please don't send it directly to me, but send me a link where it's hosted. You can do this in the comments below, or via email. Any video is worth 25 POINTS.
Really, any entry related even slightly to the book, or to the love of reading, that your creative gourds can think of will be relished. Months ago on Twitter there were two reviewers who said they'd dress as minstrels and sing an Anna review for an ARC of Girl of Nightmares (which is where the idea for this contest came from.). Be as creative as you like. Though I will only accept one comment-type entry from everyone, I'll accept multiples of 1-3. Because if you took the time to be insanely creative, random and/or hilarious, that is the least I can do.
Obviously, anyone so inclined could really increase their odds in the random draw, but it's still a random draw. Anyone can win. So if you don't feel like doing mega entries, don't! I imagine most people won't!
Um, disclaimer to cover my butt…if anyone does get creative, don't break any laws more serious than jaywalking. Okay? And to clarify, ALL OTHER LAWS ARE MORE SERIOUS THAN JAYWALKING.
One last photo:

Wow I was so addicted to Anna’s tale that I read it in less than 48 hours (quick for someone who works full time, huh??) I just can’t wait for August, so you can go ahead and help me out 😉 this + twitter entry (@ravenslvr13)= 2 points
Wow! I shall pass on the ARC but I shall tell my twlist (?) about the fun over here. I really should read the first in the series, yes?
But if you would like an odd fact about me…I collect frogs because I used to wear green leotards when very young. My brother teased me that I was adopted from the pond and was given plastic surgery. I think I liked the idea…
I facebooked it btw
Definitely read Tiger Lily when you have the chance! It comes out on July 3rd
Listen to Payphone by Maroon 5. I LOVE IT
Anna Dressed in Blood gave me the creeps! I’m still scared of my attic.
Total points: Does commenting count as one? then 12 entries! 😀 YES! No, I didn’t count my random crap part. 😉
https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000547840483 Facebooked
https://twitter.com/#!/Icecream1891/status/198171806736195584 tweeted
posted to my blog: http://livetoread-krystal.blogspot.com/2012/05/author-contest.html
Thank you so much for the chance! I’m dying to review and promote your book, I loved Anna so much in the first one. It’s great to see an unusual, but strong female protagonist. By the way, I love SpongeBob and have an odd affinity for anything macaroni related -.- edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom
I am so excited for this book!!!
I tweeted it here: https://twitter.com/#!/Forever17Books/status/198190805016514561
For a book rec I have to say TEN by Gretchen McNeil! Just finished it last week and LOVED it! Definitely a good one for the fall.
For music I usually enjoy listening to the Kings of Leon or Adele the most.
Just for fun random fact, ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD was my birthday present to myself last year! 🙂
Thank you so much for this giveaway!!!! *fingers crossed*
12 points to me! 🙂
I would love to win! 🙂
I just loved Anna Dressed in Blood. 🙂
That’s not just flattery, it’s true. 😛
-The Book Babe
I, like a complete doofus, did not add up my entries.
Here’s a music recommendation: Hero of War by Rise Against.
A book recommendation: Dream Chaser by Angie Stanton.
My entries: 11.
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Dani_Nguyen/status/198237694629916674
FB: http://www.facebook.com/dani.nguyen.5/posts/423810000963636
music rec: Breath of Life by Florence and the Machine from the Snow White and the Huntsman soundtrack. I’ve listened to this song about a million times already.
book rec: Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers. I’ve been recommending it to everyone bc it’s AMAZING.
I think that’s 13 points total.
Thanks so much for the chance to win an ARC! I can’t wait to read Girl of Nightmares!
+ 1 Comment
+ 1 Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/StatesOfDecay/status/198255157954355200
+ 5 Music recommendation: Song Bird by The Drowning Men – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J7dzdKlm8U
+5 Book recommendation: Blood Angel by Justine Musk + The Keeper by Sarah Langan
Total: 12 points
Wow, on the Anna Halloween costume (that’s awesome, Emma!)!
Thank you for the kickass giveaway, Kendare! You rock! ^_^
[My first post didn’t seem to go through, ignore this if it did]
+ 1 Comment
+ 1 Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/StatesOfDecay/status/198255157954355200
+ 5 Music recommendation: Song Bird by The Drowning Men – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J7dzdKlm8U
+5 Book recommendation: Blood Angel by Justine Musk + The Keeper by Sarah Langan
Total: 12 points
Wow, on the Anna Halloween costume (that’s awesome, Emma!)!
Thank you for the kickass giveaway, Kendare! You rock!
Oh pick me randomizer pick me!!
Something random about me?
Well I want to SQUIRREL!! Oh wait, you wanted a random fact about me not me being random.
Well…I talk about fictional characters like they are real people and want to get a kitten and name it Finnick…..
Yep thats random.
– comment here (1)
– tweeted here (1)
– You should read the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger. These books are so awesome that I’m not sure I can properly tell you how much fun they are to read. The link to the first one is here (5)
– I was one of those crazy people who was at the Harry Potter theme park on opening day. (5)
That’s 12 🙂
OK, here’s my entry
First of all, my comment will show up on Facebook, which will then refer back to the original post – does that count as facebooking it? Yo, Facebook people this is a contest for the latest ARC from K. Blake, author of “Anna Dressed in Blood”! Also, while commenting, let me tell you about a) music recommendation – if you have not listened to The Cruxshadows, you really must. They’re a darkwave electronic band with a wonderful and positive message – they have a number of albums, having been around since 1992, and I can’t recommend them highly enough. b) book recommendation – I’m currently reading Scott Rhine’s “Foundation for the Lost” and it ROCKS!!! You should check it out. I think that gets me to 12 entries? Anyway, I loved “Anna Dressed in Blood” and have added this one to my “buy-me” shelf, too. katy.sozaeva (at) gmail.com or find me on Goodreads!
Hiya! Commenting! (1)
I posted to Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1445446080 (1)
And Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JaneSpeareBlog (1)
And I blogged about Anna a few months ago: http://much-ado-about-books.blogspot.com/2012/02/anna-dressed-in-blood-review.html (1)
Book rec: I just finished Immortal Beloved by Cate Tiernan and it was really really awesome. It came out a few years ago, but the last in the trilogy comes out this fall. Not many people know about it… (5)
Music rec: Marina and the Diamonds. She’s Brit alternative. Soo awesome, I think. And her lyrics are slightly disturbing sometimes. (5)
So, 15 points if I did the math correctly? Maybe I should do some fan art and email it too…
Thanks! I am so excited.
Girl of Nightmares Giveaway
I just finished Anna Dressed in Blood and oh my god, it was amazing. Can’t wait to read Girl of Nightmares! Thanks for holding this giveaway…You’re awesome! 🙂
Tweet- https://twitter.com/#!/ohaiitschey/status/198279533609230336
Book Recommendation- Revived by Cat Patrick
Total points- 7!
You are the best, Kendare. <3 I really, really, really need one of these ARCs :) *Fingers crossed.* <3
+1 Comment 🙂
+1 Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/CarinaOlsen/status/198344050946998276
+1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=427777160567263&id=348952055121323
+5 Book recommendations: Graceling by Kristin Cashore. One of the best books. It really is a must read for everyone 🙂 YA Fantasy. Best plot and best characters and best romance 😀 Also; Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. It comes out in June, and it is simply amazing. A must read 😀
+5 Hmm. Something random about me. I sort of collect plush animals. I have tons of My Blue Nose Friends. They are adorable. <3
Total entries: 13
I wanted more entries; because I really want one of these ARCs (A) But, well, I’m not really that creative 🙂 So I’m just gonna hope to be lucky with these entries 😀 Thank you for this giveaway. <3
Love, Carina
Horror rules
Hi Kendare !
First of all I have to admit that I didn’t read Anna dressed in blood…yet. I’m going to order it in a few days and I can’t wait because I am such a geek when it comes to horror (in fact I am currently writing a teen-novel on that genre).
And if you are a real fan of the genre (well I thing you are anyway) you HAVE to watch the movie The Cabin in the Woods. It blown my mind away !
These times I am listening to Florence and the Machines’s new song called Breath of a life. It’s freaking epic and it’s also on Snow White and the Huntsman soundtrack. You should check it out ! =)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/BloodyBonesX/status/198388738391416833
PS: Sorry if my english is kind of bad. I’m a frenchie ^^’
Re: Horror rules
I am so excited to see The Cabin in the Woods. I have no doubt it will live up to the hype! I hope you enjoy Anna! (And I wish it was going to be published in French…I’m trying to learn to speak it. Not going well.)
My Entry 🙂
I really want to win *fingers crossed*
I tweeted-https://twitter.com/#!/justjanhvi/status/198391279653101568
I would love to recommend Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley.It is a definite must read.The book is beautifully written and you’ve got to read it!
Something random is that I’ve got my exams going on and I still can’t get Cas and Anna out of my head.I’m that desperate to read Girl Of Nightmares 😉
My entries=12
justjanhvi at gmail dot com
Oooh, I had to pop over and see the dress! Emma’s dad and I went to school together 🙂
Hope your writing is going great, and I’m excited that I have an ARC of Girl of Nightmares in the mail on its way to me as we speak!
Go, Girl of Nightmares!
+1 Cool! I’m definitely in!
+1 Tweeted:
+1 Shared on Facebook:
+5 Joke:
One day, there was this lawyer who had just bought a new car, and he was eager to show it off to his colleagues, when all of a sudden an eighteen wheeler came out of nowhere and took of the driver’s side door with him standing right there. “NOOO!” he screamed, because he knew that no matter how good a mechanic tried to fix it, it never would be the same. Finally, a cop came by, and the lawyer ran up to him yelling. “MY JAGUAR DOOR WAS JUST RUINED BY SOME FOOLISH DRIVER!!!” he exclaimed. “You’re a lawyer, aren’t you?” asked the policeman. “Yes, I am, but what does this have to do with my car?!?!” the lawyer asked. “HA! Your lawyers are always so materialistic. All you care about is your possessions. I bet you didn’t even notice that your left arm is missing did you?” the cop said. The lawyer looked down at his side and exclaimed “MY ROLEX!”
+5 Music recommendation:
River Flows In You by Yiruma, Stand Up for Love by Destiny’s Child
+5 Random fact:
A parasitic fungus has the ability to take over the mind and body of an ant before leading it to its final resting place at the most opportune time, an astonishing study has revealed.
The fungus, a species of Ophiocordyceps, was found living in carpenter ants in Thailand’s rain forest, controlling their nervous system so they became a vessel with one purpose: helping the fungus reproduce.
As the fungus spreads through the ant’s body it begins to act irregularly before it eventually dies with its jaws clamped around the vein of a leaf in a place perfect for the parasite to thrive, it was found.
+5 I think Vanessa Morano would be a great cast for Anna in a movie.
Total: 23
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Girl of Nightmares Giveaway
Facebooked (:http://www.facebook.com/courtney.yu.1 (hopefully it’ll show up so you know I’m not lying :b)
So that’s one point (:
How long I have waited for this very book,
For how very interesting the first one did look.
I even persuaded my sister to read it,
She thought it was so good she threw a fit.
I told her the next book won’t come til the summer,
And let me tell you that it’s a mondo bummer.
If I win this contest, you will make not one, but two,
People extremely, it’ll be a hulabaloo!
For we love Thomas, Carmel, Anna, and Cas,
And I hope this poem doesn’t make me look like an ass.
But I’m (im)patiently waiting for the Girl of Nightmares,
And if I win this giveaway I’ll be happier than a millionaire.
Although I miss Tybalt, the eaten little cat,
I REALLY wanna know what happened, and that’s that!
So give me some Anna and all we be well,
So hand over that book and I hope you are swell!
Awkward poem? Another point 😀
Also, if you want to hear something epic, follow these instructions (as long as you have Windows):
1) Click My Computer
2)Click on C:
3) Click on Media
4) Click on onestop
and enjoy.
So…does that count as one? I’ll say it is (:
So that’s one point for FB, one point for the awkward poem, one point for the epic music, and one for commenting. Four points please 😀
PS Sorry it’s so long. Had too much fun with this (:
Re: Girl of Nightmares Giveaway
That poem is worth more than one point. It’s worth ten. So excellent, thank you!!! And good luck!
now the comment stuff 😀 ima tell you some awesome things.
here’s a joke that makes me laugh even though it isn’t very funny…
Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, inherit the family ranch. Unfortunately, after just a few years, they are in financial trouble. In order to keep the bank from repossessing the ranch, they need to purchase a bull so that they can breed their own stock.
The brunette balances their checkbook, then takes their last $600 dollars out west to another ranch where a man has a prize bull for sale.
Upon leaving, she tells her sister, “When I get there, if I decide to buy the bull, I’ll contact you to drive out after me and haul it home.”
The brunette arrives at the man’s ranch, inspects the bull, and decides she does want to buy it. The man tells her that he can sell it for $599, no less. After paying him, she drives to the nearest town to send her sister a telegram to tell her the news.
She walks into the telegraph office, and says, “I want to send a telegram to my sister telling her that I’ve bought a bull for our ranch. I need her to hitch the trailer to our pickup truck and drive out here so we can haul it home.”
The telegraph operator explains that he’ll be glad to help her, then adds, “It’s just 99 cents a word.”
Well, after paying for the bull, the brunette only has $1 left. She realizes that she’ll only be able to send her sister one word.
After thinking for a few minutes, she nods, and says, “I want you to send her the word, ‘comfortable.'”
The telegraph operator shakes his head. “How is she ever going to know that you want her to hitch the trailer to your pickup truck and drive out here to haul that bull back to your ranch if you send her the word, ‘comfortable’?”
The brunette explains, “My sister’s blonde.”
“She’ll read it very slow.. “com-for-ta-ble”
LOOOOOL . i know. hehehehe so funny.
& here is another thing:
i decided to tell you about why i love your novel so much !
your novel is original. I have never evaaaa read anything like it before. its amazing.
I love the way Cas is described to “Kill the dead”, which isnt something you read about everyday. the love story between cas & anna is totally original and different from all the other YA’s (thank god). they dont instantly fall madly in love within 20 pages of the novel; you actually build the chemistry between them and thats what i love the most: there is a a story between them and the whole novel isnt just concentrated on their romance. the novel has other aspects combined with the romance to make it phenomenal. thank you for such an amazing novel !
so for POINT i have…
10 points for the comments
2 points for the fb & twitter shares
& im planning on sending you in a video&/or fan art soo…
for now I have 12 points. Later on it will be 40!
thanks for the contest!
I’ll be looking forward to the video and/or art. I loved the joke. Comfortable will never be the same 🙂
I would absolutely love to win this! I’ve been counting the days until it comes out.
Book recommendation: Chaos Burning by Lauren Dane
Music: Mz. Hyde by Halestorm
That is a total of 12 entries.
Just wanted to say that you yourself are very creative! Making us actually work to get the books we want… gah, you’re cruel.
Hahaha good luck everyone!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! *crosses finger for a random win*
Dear fantastic author that wrote a creepy creepy book (that cat tail still gives me the shivers), thank you for this giveaway!
+1 comment
+5 song recommendation: The Guild- I’m the One that’s cool directed by Jed Whedon (great music video, catchy song and tune, awesome characters!)
+5 book recommendation: Flora Segunda by Ysabeau S. Wilce. This book rocked my socks off. It’s part Coraline, part Ghibli film and part Gormengast. You really should give it a try if you like great world building and corky characters
total entries: 12
Thanks again!
All The Things are currently overwhelming me, so I can’t do anything major. Instead here is a RANDOM FACT about the oddball that is me:
I have never eaten a blue M&M. Ever. If I win an ARC, I’ll tell you why. 😉
pherlaithiel (at) gmail (dot) com
This would be an excellent b-day present for me!
I just won Anna Dressed in Blood and with my birthday coming up on May 31, this would be a awesome present if I win!
a comment here is enough??
girl of nightmares!!!!!!!!
hmmmmm…i still didnt get the whole picture of earning points but here are some jokes/questions for u kendare!
1:why do we see lightning before hearing thunder?
A)according to albert einstein nothing travels faster than light,so naturally it travels faster than sound…but einstein forgot to notice one fact!it is because our eyes are before our ears!!
2:why did the chicken cross the road?
A)now,this one has many many variations!but the true 22nd century answer isssss………..’only then this question is valid to be asked’!
music:vanessa mae…her violin is simply superb!
before i give more,will these earn 3 points for me or do i have to do something else??
im waiting!!!!!!!!!
I want one of these so much!!!
Loved Anna Dressed in Blood, so I can’t wait for Girl of Nightmares, so thank you so much for the opportunity to win an ARC 🙂 They’re beautiful!
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Sandra_s_Page/status/199897831987884033
music recommendation: 13 Horses by Alexander Rybak – one of the saddest songs ever, but also one of my favs.
book recommendation: The Vanishing Game by Kate Kae Myers – great book, so far in my top 3 best YA books I’ve read in 2012 (Anna is in the top 3, too)
That makes a total of 12 entries.
sandric.sk at gmail dot com
Thanks again!!!
hmmm Music Recomendation… You should check out Last Picture Show on facebook…you can get free downloads of their songs there. Random fact about me… I am mega crushing on my neighbor and to scared to do shit about it lmao! That book looks awesome!! i would love a chance to win. Thanks for the giveaway…. only 11 entries for me.
Girl Of Nightmares Giveaway Entries!
Firstly, thanks for hosting the giveaway AND keeping it INT. 😀
My entries-
Tweet link: https://twitter.com/sarikap8/status/200074863866679297
Random one liner: Shhhh… That is the sound of nobody caring what you think!
Music recommendation: Kill Me In The Recordshop Now by Boys Like Girls, simply because that song is stick in my head since I woke up!
Book recommendation: The Perfect Chemistry Trilogy by Simone Elkeles, simply because it’s a super cute and really pretty series.
Random thing: I have relatives at home and it gets so noisy and nosy! Not to be mean or anything, but yeah, I like my peace and quiet. 😉
Total entries: 25!
Yay. 😀
Looking forward to reading Girl Of Nightmares and wish you all the very best.
Count me in please
I’d love to have this =) I’m not very creative so I only spread the word for you on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/tanya1224/status/200203445704204288
I loved book one and I’m so excited for book 2. Thank you.
+2 – comment and tweet
Did I tell you I love your cover artist. Love the covers!
Tweeted- https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fkendare-blake.livejournal.com%2F22072.html%3Fmode%3Dreply&text=3+Girl+of+Nightmares+ARCs+up+for+grabs.+But+it+isn%5C%27t+easy…&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkendare-blake.livejournal.com%2F22072.html
Shared on FB here – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reviewing-Shelf/224777447597861
Some picture jokes for you – https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=328825020520531&set=a.172427872826914.42421.171793906223644&type=1
Have you read the River of Time series by Lisa Tawn Bergren? (Historical fiction). Or Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard (Travel romance/teen).
Random facts – I am from India. Have you ever visited? You must. I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood. It’s scary and I get scared easily. But I’m going to read it soon..in a crowded place that way I won’t get scared.
Comment- 1 point
Tweet – 1 point
Facebook – 1 point
Jokes – 15
Book Recs – 5
Random facts – 5
Total – 28 points
P.S. Your comment form is asking me to confirm I am a human, but I’m not, what should I do? How do I still comment? I didn’t know you were averse to vampires, werewolves, angels, succubus and zombies. 🙁 *sigh*
Forgot my email address
I forgot my email address in my previous non-human comment.
It’s reviewing.shelf@gmail.com
+1 comment.
+5 Joke: So do you know what kind of bee makes milk? Boo-bees 😉
+5 Music rec.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwnefUaKCbc&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLE446DB5132CE6863
+5 Book rec.: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2932033-spellbound
+5 Randomness: I have a dog named Gizmo who looks like Chewbacca.
Total: 21
Great giveaway! 🙂
Arc contest from Kari J.
I love Love LOVE Anna Dressed in Blood and cannot wait for Girl of Nightmares. Something about me… When I was seven, my older sister pushed me off a bunkbed and I fell on my face. I was convinced I had broken my nose and to get me to stop crying, my oldest sister put a “cast” on it… It was an entire roll of packing tape and it tore my skin off when I tried to take it off.
email: littlemermaidaz(at)yahoo(dot)com
One point for commenting.
One point for tweeting: https://twitter.com/#!/acciosarawr/status/201137197611626497
Five points for one random thing: I read on Wendy Darling’s blog that you would cast Summer Glau as Anna. I TOTALLY AGREE. She’s absolutely perfect for the role. I think for Cas I’d have to say maybe Kit Harington (Jon Snow from Game of Thrones)? I dunno.
I’ll be making some fanart on monday so until then I have seven points for Gryffindor!
The weird girl that likes horror..
I s0ooooooooo love Anna Dressed in Blood.. and I’m sure I’d love Girl of Nightmares even more.. most people around me thinks I’m weird because I’m into this kind of stuff but I think just that only proves that I’m unique and i have a very great imagination.. Here are my entries:
+ 1 Comment
+ 1 Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/iamsay11/status/201673925002919937
+1 Facebook Post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=351387971581590&id=542790772
+5 Music Recommendation: Payphone by Maroon5, Stronger by Kelly Clarkson, Better Than I know Myself by Adam Lambert
+5 Book Recommendation: The Fault in our Stars by John Green, A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Total: 13 Points..
I really hope I win.. thanks!!! much love from the Philippines!!! 🙂
So Excited!!!
I just sent in my Fanart entry for me and my 10 yr old son who are both DYING to get ahold of this!! We both devoured Anna! He has been asking me everyday, did you get the early one in the mail today? *I love it* So THANK you for making this something EVERYONE can enjoy 🙂
Heather aka SupaGurl
supagurlheather @ gamil . com
Entry for Girl of Nightmares ARC contest
Photo: Emailed.
Fan art: Also emailed.
Book recommendation: Nights at the Circus, by Angela Carter
Music recommendation: Barton Hollow, by The Civil Wars
Tally …
Photo: 20 points (15 for doing it; hopefully, an extra 5 for making you laugh)
Art: 15 points (or whatever you feel is appropriate for my sweetheart’s excellent art)
Book recommendation: 5 points
Music recommendation: 5 points
Comment: 1 point
… for a total of 46 points.
I very much enjoyed your first book, and I’m looking forward to the second!
music recommendation: Gotye – Eyes Wide Open [and because I CAN’T just recommend one song, I mean, hello?! here are others: The Kooks’ cover of Coldplay’s Violet Hill, Lana Del Rey’s Blue Jeans (Count Ninjula Remix), No Surprises by Radiohead, Called Out in the Dark by Snow Patrol, Get Some by Lykke Li, Kickstarts by Example, When the Sun Goes Down by Arctic Monkeys, Fade into You by Mazzy Star, Creature Fear by Bon Iver, Letters from the Sky by Civil Twilight, We Own the Sky by M83] 🙂
= 5 pts
something random: I love “Theseus Cassio”. Cas may think it’s stupid but I love it. Also, I was planning on painting a part of the Anna Dressed in Blood cover but I have limited white acrylic so.. yeah. Btw, I’d cast Lily Collins as Anna and Xavier Samuel as Cas.
= 5 pts.
so, 10 pts. + the 25 pts for the fan art & doodle I sent in your email = 35 pts.!
Thanks for the contest! 🙂
Girl of Nightmares ARC contest
I did this anonymously the first time, and I don’t think it went through. If this ends up being a double-post, mea culpa.
Photo: emailed
Fan art: emailed
Book recommendation: Nights at the Circus, by Angela Carter
Music recommendation: Barton Hollow, by The Civil Wars
Photo: 20 points
Art: 15 points
Book recommendation: 5 points
Music recommendation: 5 points
Comment: 1 point
… for a total of 46 points.
I very much enjoyed your first book, and I’m looking forward to the second!
Girl of Nightmares ARC contest
I send the fanart to your email, and my book recommendation is Battle Royale by Koushun Takami.
A great song (that always makes me think of Anna) is Howl by Florence + The Machine!
Fanart: 30 points
Book recommendation: 5 points
Music recommendation: 5 points
Comment: 1 point
So that comes to 41 points! c:
Girl of Nightmares contest
Oops, the anon comment above is mine, just ignore it! 🙂
Here’s my real comment:
I emailed you the fanart, and my book recommendation is Battle Royale by Koushun Takami.
A song that I love (and that always makes me think of Anna) is Howl by Florence + The Machine!
Art: 30 points
Book recommendation: 5 points
Music recommendation: 5 points
Comment: 1 point
So, 41 points! 🙂
Entering! 1pt
5pts? Joke: What do you call a guy who never farts in public? A private tutor (BWAHAHA)
5pts? Book recommendation: White Cat by Holly Black. Another book with the male main character named Cas!
0pts/funsies? random fact: I am stuck in Oregon for school and I hope I can go Klindt’s thing? If it’s a thing? I have to look up where Dalles is and how far it is from Hel-I mean Corvallis.
Candice.ch.chen@gmail.com = 11 points total
I would love to win this ARC. ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD was one of my favorite books last year and I can’t wait to see what happens next. 🙂
+5 – Book rec – DOG DAYS by Elsa Watson (I’m reading it right now and it’s hilarious.
15 point for fan art I’m sending in that was drawn by my sister (we plan to share the arc)
= 20 points overall
I just want to say….the cover is amazing!!!!!! Can’t wait to read this! 😀
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com
Contest Entry
Great giveaway!
Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/EileenLi8/status/207532014201602049
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=245001482268459&id=180996705332922
Random Fact: I’m a book and song blogger and I’m 12-years-old. Yeah, you don’t see THOSE around every day, don’t you? Especially not one who’s obsessed with laminators. o.O One time, I was helping my teacher cut out these laminated cards and I kept the excess stuff in my desk until somebody was like “Uh, Eileen, why do you have laminated stuff in your desk?” -.-
Music Recommendation: TAYLOR SWIFT! YOU NEED TAYLOR SWIFT! If you haven’t noticed, I’m in love with Taylor Swift, especially her song in the Hunger Games, Eyes Open. Some other ones that are really awesome–to me–are Enchanted, Safe and Sound, A Place in This World, etc. etc. 🙂
Re: Contest Entry
Oh, and that’s 13 points total, if you count all my entries for something. 😀
Hmm something random about me…well here’s two:
1) Instead of studying for my Algebra finals, I am entering this contest and
2) My class did L.A.R.P.ing, which is Live-Action Role Playing, of the Battle of Hastings. It was really fun!
So 5 pts. each for the two random facts, and 1 pt. for commenting, and 15 pts. for the fanart I sent in (it’s of Anna floating with wild hair), that totals up to…
26 pts.!
Thanks so much for the giveaway,
I’d tell you a joke, but I’m really bad at jokes and I’m not that creative, so I think I should spare you. haha.
For music, I recommend any Ed Sheeran song. They’re cool.
In my head, I think Steven Williams (Rufus) or Jim Beaver (Bobby Singer) would make a good Morfran. Rick Worthy (Alpha Vampire) would make a creepy Obeahman and that’s a good thing right? haha. All of these people are from the TV show Supernatural. I don’t know, maybe they’re not how everyone else pictures the characters, but I’ve been watching the show a lot lately, so thinking about it can’t be avoided.
For something to read, well, do you read comic books? If you think I’m a total dork for the suggestion, then sorry. :)) but I think DC’s new 52 Batman title’s really cool. The story line’s really cool. Just last month, a really big event in the storyline happened. It’s called the Night of the Owls. If you think you’re up to it, you should check it out. 🙂
I think bananas are God’s gift to man. How’s that for random crap? :))
Okay, so I don’t know how many points I get from this comment, so I guess you’ll be the judge of that? I sent you a picture as well and although I’m not an artist, I hope it’s okay. haha. my name in my email’s also Angela Barranda, so yeah. Hope this giveaway doesn’t end up being really confusing for you, because just typing this makes me really confused already. :)) good luck to you and everyone else, I guess!
Wow, so excited for Girl of Nightmares! I found Anna Dressed in Blood right after I became addicted to ghost stories, and it had me hooked immediately. 🙂
I realize this post is over two years old, but I just found it combing the internet and I have to say stumbling across a Gargoyles quote that randomly made my night. Just seeing the words, I could hear Dingo saying it, though I had my check my DVD to remember the name of the episode (“Thrill of the Hunt” season 1 episode 6).