Posts Tagged ‘unsold 3b’

Gettin Crap Done. Or Gettin Crapped On. It’s all in how fast you say it.

Yeah, so sometimes now the blog titles will be nonsense. Sometimes movie quotes, sometimes nonsense. Very rarely, they will be related to whatever the actual post is. I'm going to try to make this about getting crap done. We'll see if I can also make it about getting crapped on.

Anyway, this week I'm getting crap done. Booking parking for my school visit to Florida next Tuesday. Contracts into the mail for the Cavalcade of Authors Workshop in March where I will be talking about something horror-ific. Checking deadlines and planning the writing schedule for the duration of the winter.

I need to write my story "On the I-5" for the excellent Slasher Girls & Monster Boys anthology put together by the excellent April Tucholke. That'll get done soon. I sent off some flap copy samples for MORTAL GODS (formerly Aristeia, Antigoddess 2). And this week, I'm finishing a book. An unsold book, let's call it Unsold C. But it will be done, so I'm calling it a book, even though it may never actually be a real book. Eff it. Of course, if Unsold C refuses to finish this week, it might need to be put aside, because I also have to put together a synopsis and sample chapters for, oh, let's call it, Unsold 3B.

I. Hate. Synopses.

Say it with me. Or better yet, roar it with me, and we'll stand together at the edge of a cliff and then kick the synopses off of it Sparta style.

The odd thing about synopses is they can be comprised of almost total BS. Pure, unadulterated, pulled from your hinder, absinthe-fantasy BS. So at least there's that.

I'd like to turn this blog into more of a writing diary, but I fear it would suck the time out of the actual writing. I might do it anyway.

Also, Fickle Fish Films has renewed the option on Anna Dressed in Blood. Early even! I couldn't be more thrilled. Before you ask, though everything is moving along, there's no real news. But I did see this very nice quote from Stephenie Meyer on the Fickle Fish website:

“From the moment I started reading this book, I knew it would be a beautiful story to tell cinematically,” explained Stephenie Meyer.  “It’s scary, romantic, and grips you from start to finish.  Audiences are going to fall in love with ‘Anna’.”

Isn't that nice? Genuinely nice. And also, Nice, in the way that Muppet gangster rats say it. Nice. Very nice.

I was unable to bring this entry around to getting crapped on, and for that, I apologize.