Posts Tagged ‘dirty dancing’

This is my dance space. This is your dance space.

Dirty Dancing, I know. Didn't see that one coming. But it was on TV last night while I was writing, so, what the hell. It was weird to look at Patrick Swayze and think that he's been dead now, for years. It seems ridiculous. Impossible. Johnny Castle can't die.

To tie the quote in, doing revisions on ANTIGODDESS occasionally feels like being a dance instructor. For myself. You know the scene where Johnny says, "Don't put your heel down. Don't put your heel down." And dumb Baby keeps putting her heel down and angering The Swayze? Well, that's me. I'm dumb Baby. And I'm also The Swayze. Dumb Baby will write, and then The Swayze will go back over it and say things like, "Don't do that. Or that. And don't do that AGAIN. What are you, trying to kill me? Is this your idea of fun?"

Damn. I know that movie way better than I'd like to. The good news is, revision phase one is almost complete. Then I can stop living in a hole for about a week before I start in on Book 2.

Another little tidbit: there's a moment in these revisions where I have to reveal something. And it's always hard to reveal something, in a way that feels like it hasn't been done a million times before. I kept thinking of that scene in THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, (Fincher's version) where a murderer is about to do the dastardly deed and cues up Enya on the old discman. When I saw it, I chuckled. But after a few moments of Sail Away digging into my eardrums, I thought, "Okay, we get it. American Psycho was a good movie."

But so what if it was a little derivative. It was probably a nod to the other film anyway. And it was done fairly well. That should be a writer's only concern. Do it well.

I've got to get back to the hole now. But first, some of GIRL OF NIGHTMARES news: It's going through a bit of cover redesign. I haven't seen it yet, but word is they want to tie it more closely to Anna's cover. As soon as I've got a final, I'll post it up somewhere.

I'm reading THE SCORPIO RACES. It's bringing out the meat-eating horse lover in me.