Posts Tagged ‘all hallows read’

I want to use a quote from Spartacus, but they’re all too dirty.

Rest well, Andy Whitfield. I'm going to be annoyed all season watching Spartacus without you. And John Hannah. But mostly you.

Yes, Andy Whitfield has died, and in that strange way that hearing news that has nothing to do with you can ruin your day, has ruined my day. When Heath Ledger died, I called a friend and at the same time we said we almost felt the need to call in sick. Not because we were huge, rabid Heath Ledger fan-stalkers or anything. But because the world felt slanted and we figured we ought to stay in. Yes, we're weird.

Anyhow. the Teen Book Scene blog tour for Anna just wrapped up, and I'll send out the winning prize packs as soon as I know who the winners are. The Kismet Book Tour for Anna has just started, and if you want to watch me flounder on video, the kickoff post is up over at Parajunkee's View. I never do video. The lighting usually makes me look like Wayne Campbell scaring Garth Algar by putting a flashlight under his chin and growling, "I'm the Leprechaun!" Which is what I wanted to do for the kickoff post, but they said no. They're giving away a Kindle at tour's end, so head on over and enter. Then the winner will be announced on my site. Which is actually on this blog. One of these days, I'm going to run a giveaway through this thing. And no one will show up. But not today.

Tomorrow I'll be guesting over at Writer Writer Pants on Fire, talking about the submissions process. As of this week, I should be on submissions again, as I have not yet reached the stage where I can pitch my editor a book about an evil desk lamp and have her ask when she can have it by. (I love that Family Guy bit.)

Everyone gearing up for All Hallow's Read? Got a scary book to give or trade? I'm looking forward to some good recommendations from people, and hopefully giving away some of my own.

Poop to That!

Saw Red yesterday and was pleasantly amused. It wasn’t epic or moving, it wasn’t a cavalry charge for glory, but it was a fun romp for actors I love. John Malkovich is a delight. And when Bruce Willis had the obligatory lip-lock at the end, I made the same face that Malkovich did.

Midterm elections are over. But politics never goes away. The debates and the irritations will continue. I miss being in grade school when I didn’t really care about all this shit. My home state of Minnesota re-elected the abhorrent Michelle Bachmann. What? Was she running against a goat? Well even if she was, it should have been Welcome to the House Mr. Goat! So, Poop to That.

Halloween has come and gone. If anyone had an excellent costume, let me know. I love to hear about excellent costumes, as it has been many years since I’ve been able to scrap one together myself. Have I mentioned just how behind Neil Gaiman’s movement, All Hallows Read I am? Well I am. Check it out.


Though not really in keeping with the horror theme, I did send my dad a copy of Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, a book that I haven’t read, but the crime thriller plot seemed right up his alley. Next year, I will of course be slinging copies of ANNA, and perhaps some other excellent Elevensie scares.

A lot of writers I know are working on new projects. And feeling the pressure of daily or weekly word counts. We all do it. And it’s a bucket of yuck. Some of us, have real deadlines breathing down our necks, and the aforementioned bucket can’t be avoided. But I don’t. Deadline is way, far off. And yet I still feel bad when I don’t write something. I tell people I didn’t manage to write one day and they say I failed. FAIL! But no, poopypants, to fail would be to write a thousand words of crud I didn’t feel like writing only to delete it all the next day.